Elementary Components


In Coek and Poek, variables are not owned by a model. However, it is necessary to associate a variable with a model to facilitate efficient processing of models. Thus, the following are equivalent:

auto x = coek::variable("x");


auto x = model.add( coek::variable("x") );

The Model::add() method adds a variable object to the model, and the variable object is returned. This supports a concise declaration of variables, and it enables the user to directly reference the variable object. Further, this enables functional chaining to configure the variable.


Should we include an Model::add_variable() method that replicates the API of the coek::variable() method? This would be redundant in the API, but it would allow for shorter end-user code.

A minimal variable specification may include the name:

// A single continuous variable
auto y = model.add( coek::variable() );
auto y = model.add( coek::variable("y") );

Variable declarations require the specification of various information:

  • Lower bound values

  • Upper bound values

  • Initial values

  • Variable type (continuous, binary, integer, etc)

Additionally, variable store information about whether they are fixed, and it may make sense to declare variables as fixed.

The following syntax, using function chaining, provides an explicit annotation of a variable’s information:

auto x = model.add( coek::variable("x") ).

Similarly, the Variable::bounds() function can be used instead of Variable::lower() and Variable::upper():

auto x = model.add( coek::variable("x") ).
                bounds(2, 10).

These methods can be passed scalar values as well as Coek expressions that are mutable constant values. For example:

auto p = coek::parameter().value(1);
auto x = model.add( coek::variable("x") ).
                bounds(2*p, 10+p).

The variable object is initialized with the expression object, which is evaluated when a scalar value is needed (e.g. during optimization).


This function chaining requires methods where the set- and get-semantics are dependent on the method used. For example:


sets the value of x, while

auto val = x.value();

returns the value of x. The use of set_* methods seems desirable, but that leads to a verbose syntax that clutters the specification of variable properties.


I think it’s reasonable to limit the specification for ‘within’ to enumeration types. We could follow a Pyomo model of specifying class instances here, but I worry that will complicate the interface between Coek and Poek.

Maybe these types (or class instances) should be defined within a separate namespace? Something like ‘coek::types::Integers’?


Coek confirms that expressions used to index variables do not contain a variable unless it is fixed. Thus, the following creates a runtime error:

auto x = coek::variable(100);
auto y = coek::variable();
auto v = x(y+3).value();


Mutable parameters can be declared in a similar manner to variables:

// A single parameter
auto p = coek::parameter();
auto q = coek::parameter("q");

Note that parameter are always continuous, and their value defaults to zero. Initializing parameters can be similarly executed using function chaining:

// A single parameter initialized to 1.0
auto q = coek::parameter("q").value(1.0);


Do we forsee a need for non-double parameters? I could imagine doing the following?

auto qi = coek::parameter<int>("q");

Gravity allows for this type of typing of values.


These are still ‘concrete’ parameters. They are assumed to have values that can be used immediately. In that sense, they differ from the abstract approach used in Pyomo. But the expression management is the same; the parameters are included in the expression tree and not pulled out a constant values.


A Coek expression is formed by performing arithmetic operations on Coek variables, parameters and set indices, including operations with constant values. For example:

auto x = coek::variable("x");
auto e = sin(3*x+1);
auto v = e.value();

Note that these fundamental types are not owned by a Coek model, so such an expression can be used and re-used within multiple expressions and within multiple Coek models.

The expression() function is used to create expressions, particularly an empty expression or a constant expression. This is a convenient utility when creating loops to form an expression. For example, the following syntax will not work because the accumulator variable e is a double value:

double e = 0;
auto x = coek::variable(10);
for (auto& val: x)
    e += val;                       // Error here

The expression() function is used to create an expression accumulator, with initial value of zero:

auto e = coek::expression();
auto x = coek::variable(10);
for (auto& val: x)
    e += val;

When numeric values are passed-in, the expression is initialized with that constant value (e.g. coek::expression(1.3)).

The expression() function is similarly useful to define accumulator expressions for parameters and variables. For example, the following syntax would also not work:

auto e = coek::parameter();
auto x = coek::variable(10);
for (auto& val: x)
    e += val;                       // Error here

The expression() function can be used to create an expression accumulator, initialized with a parameter or variable:

auto e = coek::expression(coek::parameter());
std::vector<coek::Variable> x(10);
for (auto& val: x)
    e += val;


Coek does not have support for first-order named expressions right now. The re-use described here is part of what a named expression provides. I think more fundamentally a named expression allows users to interact with expressions that reflect fundamental values in their model, hence it is still worth considering how we would support them.

Maybe something like the following is sufficient:

auto x = coek::variable("x");
auto e = sin(3*x+1);
auto E = coek::expression("E").value(e);

This would imply an annotation of the expression tree where the string “E” is associated with a sub-expression.


If we did this, would the user need to add the named expression explicitly to the model to track it there? I think so. Thus, the following would also make sense:

auto E = model.add( coek::expression("E") );


In Coek and Poek, objectives are not owned by a model, but they are typically associated with a model. The objective() function is used to declare an objective:

auto x = coek::variable("x");
auto o = model.add( coek::objective("o", 2*x) );

The expr() method is used to set and get the objective expression, and the sense() method is used to get and set the objective sense (which defaults to minimization). For example:

auto x = coek::variable("x");
auto o = model.add( coek::objective("o").
                        sense(coek::Model::minimize) );


We can think of an objective as an expression that we minimize. However, we cannot simple treat an expression as an objective. Thus, Coek does the allow expressions to be added to models:

auto x = coek::variable("x");
auto o = model.add( x+1 );          // ERROR

The problem with this syntax is that an objective expression may be a single variable. In this case, it is ambiguous whether we are adding the variable or an objective to the model.


Do we want to support the add_objective() method, or simply use the add() method?


I think we may need to change the API for objective() to disallow the specification of expressions here. There will be contexts where we want to pass-in an an expression using parameters for arrays of objectives.


This API supports the declaration of multiple objectives, though Coek solvers do not currently support multi-objective optimization:

// A single objective
auto a = model.add( coek::objective().expr(2*x) );
auto b = model.add( coek::objective("b").expr(2*x) );


In Coek and Poek, constraints are not owned by a model, but they are typically associated with a model. There are several forms of constraint expressions supported by Coek: inequalities, equalities and ranges. For example:

auto x = coek::variable();
auto y = coek::variable();

// Inequalities
auto c1 = x >= y;
auto c2 = x > y;
auto c3 = x <= y;
auto c4 = x < y;
// Equality
auto c5 = x == y;
// Ranged
auto c6 = coek::inequality( 0, x + y, 1);

Constraint expressions can be directly added to Coek models:

auto x = coek::variable("x");
auto c = model.add(2*x == 0);

The coek::constraint() function is included, which simplifies the naming of elementary constraints:

auto x = coek::variable("x");

// Adding a named constraint with the constraint() function
auto c1 = model.add( coek::constraint("c1", 2*x == 0) );

// Adding a named constraint using the name() method
auto c2 = 2*x == 0;
model.add( c2.name("c2") );

Coek constraints are defined by lower and upper bounds with a constraint body. The values for these can be accessed using the lower(), upper() and body() methods:

auto x = coek::variable("x").value(0.5);
auto c = coek::inequality(0, 2*x, 2);

auto lower = c.lower().value();     // 0
auto body  = c.body().value();      // 1
auto upper = c.upper().value();     // 2


We need to clarifify the semantics of lower() and upper() when the represent unbounded constraints. For example:

auto x = coek::variable("x").value(0.5);
auto c = 0 < 2*x;

auto upper = c.upper().value();     // Generates an error because this value is undefined

Coek needs to explicitly represent infinite bound values and return them as appropriate.


Do we want to support the add_constraint() method, or simply use the add() method?