Installing Coek

There are several options for installing Coek:

  • Install the latest release or development branch using Spack

  • Install from source using CMake

Developers will find the top-level script useful for setting up a build environment after cloning the Coek repository.

Installing with Spack

[Spack] is a software package manager that simplifies the installation of software with complex dependencies. With Spack, you can build a package with multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers, and all of these builds can coexist on the same machine.

Downloading Spack

Spack is configured using a github repository that defines package specifications, and Coek can be installed using the OR-Fusion clone of Spack:

git clone

Spack includes scripts that configure the user’s shell environment to use Spack commands. For example, you can configure a BASH environment after cloning Spack:

. spack/share/spack/

Creating a Spack Environment

A Spack environment is used to group together a set of package installations for the purpose of building, rebuilding and deploying in a coherent fashion. Environments are not strictly necessary when using Spack, but they allow different package specifications (a.k.a. specs) to be installed simultaneously.

You create and activate the coekenv environment as follows:

spack env create coekenv
spacktivate coekenv

Spack configures the installation of this environment using a spack.yaml file, which can be further customized by the user either directly or via Spack commands.


When done using a Spack environment, you can deactivate the environment with:

spack env deactivate

Installing Coek

A Simple Installation

You can install the latest version of Coek in the main development branch as follows:

spack install coek@dev

Similarly, you can see the packages installed with Spack with the find command:

spack find coek@dev


The this installation uses the Coek main development branch. After an upcoming Coek release, the Spack will be configured to install the latest Coek release with:

spack install coek

Coek Configuration Options

Coek includes a variety of configuration options that can be used to customize a Coek installation. The following are options that end-users are likely to consider:




Build pycoek and install coek python libraries


Build with Gurobi optimization library


Build with the CppAD library


Build with the ASL library


Installing with the python or gurobi options will trigger a Spack build of python or Gurobi, since those are dependencies that Spack can build. The first time Spack builds these dependencies, the build may take quite a while.

You can treat python, Gurobi and other tools as external dependencies using the Spack external subcommand:

spack external find python
spack external find gurobi

The configuration for these packages is cached here:


The following install command will build Coek with support for Poek as well as Gurobi and Ipopt, using either CppAD or ASL for automatic differentiation:

spack install coek@dev +python+gurobi+asl+cppad


The this installation uses the Coek main development branch. After an upcoming Coek release, the Spack will be configured to install the latest Coek release with:

spack install coek

Installing with CMake

Without Dependencies

The default configuration of Coek requires no external dependencies. Thus, you can build Coek with the standard CMake build steps:

git clone
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


The Coek build can be significantly accelerated using the make -j option. For example, the following command uses up to 20 parallel build threads:

make -j 20

With Dependencies

Coek’s CMake configuration uses standard find_package() functions to find pre-installed software dependencies. These conditional dependencies are configured with the following CMake options:




Build pycoek and install coek python libraries


Build with Gurobi optimization library


Build with the CppAD library


Build with the ASL library


Build with the fmt library


Build with the rapidjson library

The default value for these options is OFF.

Coek’s CMake configuration includes a deprecated install_tpls target to build commonly used dependencies. However, it is easy to (1) install dependent libraries using Spack, and (2) configure Coek to automatically find these libraries using the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH option. For example, here is a complete installation script for Coek using Spack:

git clone
cd spack
. spack/share/spack/
spack env create coekenv
spack env activate coekenv
spack add cppad fmt rapidjson catch2
spack install
spack env deactivate
cd ..

git clone
cd coek
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`pwd`/../spack/var/spack/environments/coekenv/.spack-env/view -Dwith_python=ON -Dwith_gurobi=ON -Dwith_cppad=ON -Dwith_fmtlib=ON -Dwith_rapidjson=ON -Dwith_tests=ON ..
make -j20

Coek includes a script that executes a variant of this script.


Support for ASL in developer mode is a bit more complicated to setup because Spack creates libraries for ASL that may conflict with system libraries.